
2013년 5월 21일 화요일

Does access to condoms or birth control pills lead to irresponsible, dangerous, or bad behavior?

 Does access to condoms or birth control pills lead to
irresponsible, dangerous, or bad behavior?

I think does access to condoms or birth control pills can be lead to irresponsible, dangerous, or bad behavior because passing out does things to teenager make them more curious about sex. Condoms and birth control pills are safe but that may be force teen to try more sex because is safe. That might increase the teen sex percentage. I think teen sex in not that good because they doing it for fun. Doing sex for fun is not that good because sex is really dealing with new life like baby. I have strong belief that do sex if you can trust that person and can care new life not for fun.

            I also think does access to condoms or birth control pills can be lead to good practice too. Good as like they know how to use condoms and birth control pills and safe ways. Some people sex without does stuffs and not taking serious about pregnant. Pregnant is really serious because is really dealing with the new life. I think teen pregnant percentage is increasing because they do not know how to use condoms, birth control pills or other things. In conclusion, I think does access to condoms or birth control pills can be lead to irresponsible, dangerous, or bad behavior, but can be also good to use it. 

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